Cream Cheese Icing Prep

Shelf Life: 5 days
Portion/Serving: 24-2oz scoops
Revision Date: Mar 1, 2013


8 oz. Cream Cheese, room temperature
tsp. Vanilla Extract
tsp. Lemon juice, Fresh
1 lb. Sugar, 10X
4 tbsp. Heavy Cream


  • Gloves
  • Stand mixer
  • Bowl
  • Scrapper
  • Measuring spoons
  • Scale


Wearing foodservice gloves.

  1. In a stand mixer mixer, combined cream cheese, vanilla and lemon juice. Whip until soft with medium speed.
  2. Add 10X sugar and heavy cream, whip until incorporated resulting in a fluffy and soft consistency.
  3. Store in an air tight container under refrigeration until ready to use.