Herb'n Fresh Herb mix Prep

Shelf Life: 1 day
Portion/Serving: 1/2 lb.
Revision Date: Mar 1, 2013


1/4 c. Dill, stems removes, washed and dried
1/4 c. Thyme, stems removes, washed and dried
1/4 c. Oregano, stems removes, washed and dried
4 Tbsp. Tarragon, stems removes, washed and dried
2/3 c. Basil, stems removes, washed and dried
2 Tbsp. Rosemary, stems removes, washed and dried
1 c. Parsley, flat leaf, stems removes, washed and dried
6 ea. Scallion, washed and dried
1/4 c. Chives, washed and dried


  • Knife
  • Cutting board
  • Bowl
  • Food service gloves
  • Mixing bowl


Wearing foodservice gloves.

  1. Rough chop all herbs, cut the scallions in small dice.
  2. Mix all ingredients together well.
  3. Place mixture in an air tight container and refrigerate until needed.