Tuna Salad Prep

Shelf Life: 4 days
Portion/Serving: 28 oz.
Revision Date: Mar 1, 2013

Wearing foodservice gloves.


1 lb. Tuna, canned, cooked, drained well
8 oz. Celery, washed, diced, blanched
4 tbsp. Red onion, washed, peeled, diced
1 c. Extra Heavy Mayo-Kens
2 tbsp. Parsley, fresh, washed, dried, chopped
½ tsp. Celery seed


  • Foodservice gloves
  • Mixing bowl
  • Rubber spatula
  • Air tight container


  1. Place tuna in a bowl and break apart and clumps.
  2. Add remaining ingredients to the tuna, mix well to blend all ingredients.
  3. Place in an air tight container and under refrigerator until needed.